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  1. 2012-12-21

    Sichuan Mining Gr?p y cynnydd a gwaith prosiect Venezuela esmwyth Sichuan Mining Gr?p y cynnydd a gwaith prosiect Venezuela esmwyth

  2. 2012-12-18

    Defnyddiau adeiladu y tywod mecanweithiau gyda malwr naturiol tywod system Wantonly codi or rhagolygon y prosiectau seilwaith ddiweddar, Tsieina cynhyrchu o dywod ac agreg gro yn dangos cyflenwad amlwg byr, mawr a bach ar draws y llinell gynhyrchu cerrig wlad, tywod gwneud peiriannau ac offer malu eraill a phrosesu cynnyrch gorffenedig tywod artiffisial, mecanwaith artiffisial gall y tywod yn cael ei addasu gan ddibynnu ar ofynion y broses gynhyrchu, i gynhyrchu y gwahanol reolau a maint y tywod, digon o dywod ac agreg gro ar gyfer prosiectau seilwaith.

  3. 2012-11-26

    Maer galw wedi codi cyfrol o transshipment glo Qinhuangdao bellach twf Fel canolbwynt mawr o gludo glo or gogledd ir de, y cludiant Qinhuangdao glo Port wedi dod yn baromedr o Tsieina macro-economaidd. Tsieina Diwydiant Glo Gymdeithas yn disgwyl y bydd shipments glo porthladd yn parhau i gynnal lefel uchel ym mis Hydref, ond ni fydd yn adlam sydyn, oi gymharu a mis Medi, y tebygolrwydd o gyson.

  4. 2012-11-23

    Maer mewnforio allforio galw heibio mwy o farchnadoedd glo yn parhau i gorgyflenwi Un ochr yn y gostyngiad cyflym mewn allforion, tra bod mewnforion wedi codin ddramatig, y farchnad ddomestig glo yn dal i fod yn sefyllfa orgyflenwad yn gwella, prisiau glo yn y cartref yn ystod y cyfnod y gaeaf brig y diffyg stamina adlam.

  5. 2012-11-16

    Stored coal power plants hundred million tons of coal enterprises called on the end price of two-track system Wu Yin, Deputy Secretary of the National Energy Board, held on the 11th China International Coal Development Forum 2012 speech that, as of the end of September this year, the large and medium-sized power plant coal storage of 90.32 million tons, available 29 days, a year-on-year increase of 12 days. Zhai De-yuan, deputy general manager of the Inner Mongolia Yitai Group called for the canceled coal dual pricing system as soon as possible, while cleaning up the tax burden for coal enterprises.

  6. 2012-10-30

    Thermal coal rose Coal City recovery for six weeks or should "fire" Domestic steam coal imports decline in the amount of coal and other factors, in August gradually stabilized stabilized, but the slow recovery in demand led to rising coal prices is weak, although since the end of August the Bohai steam coal index rising for six weeks, but the cumulative increase of only $ 11/ ton.

  7. 2012-10-29

    Coke industry, new environmental protection rules countdown to eliminate backward production capacity will grow faster Overcapacity, prices are low, the coke industry has been plunged into industry-wide loss of status. As the the coke main origin of Shanxi Province and Shandong Province have been made in the near future to speed up elimination of outdated production capacity, promote the restructuring of the industry initiatives. A new environmental regulations affecting the whole industry "coking chemical industrial pollutant emission standards will also be implemented October 1.

  8. 2012-10-26

    The machine together experts Machinery Industry Committee convened the third quarter of the economic situation analysis Chamber of Commerce On September 14, the Committee of Experts on the machine together held a the mechanical industrial economic operation of the third quarter to analyze the situation Chamber of Commerce. Cai Wei-Tze, deputy director of the Committee of Experts, the machine together, executive vice president, presided over the meeting, the expert committee members, executive vice president Yang Xuetong, some members of the Expert Committee, relevant professional associations, experts, leaders and relevant departments of the machine together person in charge of more than twenty attended the meeting.
