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Thermal coal rose Coal City recovery for six weeks or should "fire"

Domestic steam coal imports decline in the amount of coal and other factors, in August gradually stabilized stabilized, but the slow recovery in demand led to rising coal prices is weak, although since the end of August the Bohai steam coal index rising for six weeks, but the cumulative increase of only $ 11 / ton. Weather becoming cooler the heating season approaching, Dongchu, coal demand has rebound inspection days to reduce coal handling mainline cause of the 8th into 25 million tons of coal, or will become Coal the winter push up the "fuse".
Bohai Rim steam coal index rising for six weeks
Slowdown in domestic economic growth this year, especially the high energy-consuming industries growth down, leading to the coal demand is not strong, but the number of imported coal was a sharp increase in January-August, according to the National Energy Board data show significant increase in coal imports up 5840 tons. Combined with this years flood season runoff better, the hydropower multiple alternative coal dosage. May to early August, the thermal coal market in 13 consecutive weekly decline, the industry lament the end of coal "golden years".
Dismal Coal City, forcing the relevant departments of the State and the main coal-producing province introduced to limit production, discontinued, shutting down small coal mines and other bailout measures, recently also gradually reduce the number of imported coal. September thermal coal market to stabilize the signs have been very clear, and there has been a slight rebound in October.
According to the latest seaborne coal Network released data show that the latest reporting cycle (2012), the Bohai Rim calorific value of 5,500 kcal steam coal market average price reported received 637 yuan / ton, compared with the previous reporting cycle up 2 yuan / ton.
The Bohai thermal coal prices have six weeks since August 22, rebounded slightly, although more slowly gains installments or in the range of 1-3 per. Up to the latest one, the Bohai price of coal has risen to 11 yuan / ton, or 1.76%, but such continuity to the thermal coal market recovery into the spring breeze.
Coal handling mainline diminishing capacity of 250,000 tons
With the cooler weather, coal power plants and factories Dongchu plan gradually put on the agenda, preparing for winter heating, domestic coal market began to heat up in the context of imported coal also decreased, the price will go up, coal enterprises and traders finally see the dawn out of "bitterness".
Yankuang of Shandong Province, Zibo Mining since October have raised their prices in the range of 10-20 yuan / ton coal analyst said Xu Bin. Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi coal prices also raised the price of steam coal.
Qinhuangdao Port coal market barometer, showing obvious signs of warming. Qinhuangdao Port coal stocks many days in a row in the June high of 900 million metric tons, said Xu Bin, port stocks from the end of June after rational return until now has been reduced to a level of less than 6 million tons.
According to coal analyst pun, from October 8 to 22, the the Coal Handling mainline Daqin line will be maintenance, daily blackouts construction of three hours, during maintenance period, is expected to the Daqin line every day will reduce about 250,000 tons of coal into . Port coal transferred amount will gradually be reflected by the impact on coal prices push up.
Current weather temperature is suitable, central heating period has not yet arrived, late as winter coal "peak winter" will be stepping into the traditional peak season, the demand for coal is expected to further enhance Xu Bin said.
