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  1. 2014-11-19

    Seize the historical opportunity to promote the integration of the two China manufacturing Vice Minister of industry and information Yang Xueshan expresses 14 days, China manufacturing industry is facing in the new technology system to promote the new development opportunity, the Internet, informatization, digital environment, Chinese manufacturing enterprises should use the fusion of thinking development Chinese manufacturing industry.

  2. 2014-11-17

    Engineering machinery has become the ten largest cause of Europe and the United States TTIP negotiation focus 1, engineering machinery is an important part of the US and European economies
    In 2012, America and EU project machinery industry output value reached 330000000000 euros and 630000000000 euros.

  3. 2014-11-14

    Tibet copper lead zinc resources has great potential Reporter recently from Chengdu China Geological Survey Geological Survey Center was informed that, Tibet five national Cu Pb Zn resource base to succeed is already taking shape, huge potential resources.

  4. 2014-11-13

    India this year will double from China imported stainless steel India Stainless Steel Development Association (ISSDA) is expected, stainless steel imports in 2014 from Chinese market in India is expected to double, reaching 250000 tons.

  5. 2014-11-12

    Department of Public Works letter: this year eliminated excess capacity targets can be achieved The distance from the end of less than two months time, this year to resolve the excess capacity can achieve the goal? In the state visit to urge the research group recently to the Ministry to pay a return visit, it became a focus of attention.

  6. 2014-11-11

    Philippines during the first half of 2014 nickel output value accounted for 59% of the total increase of more than half of mine According to reports, the Philippine mineral and geological Agency (MGB) report points out, this year first half of the year the Philippine metal ore product output value reached 57270000000 pesos, a year-on-year growth of 22%. Among them, nickel 31030000000 pesos, accounting for 54.2% of total output, a year-on-year growth of 59%; the gold value of 15280000000 pesos, accounting for more than 26.7%, drops 1% compared to the same period; copper output value of 10150000000 pesos, accounting for more than 17.7%, grow 2.7% compared to the same period.

  7. 2014-11-10

    The current coal price mechanism of our country seriously underestimated the true cost of coal In November 4, 2014, the international environmental protection mechanism of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) issued "the latest research results China coal control project" in Beijing: "2012" (hereinafter referred to as the true cost of Coal Research). Study on the coal produced in China in 2012 during the whole life cycle in the production, transportation, consumption of external cost of money, the results point out that, the current coal pricing mechanism of our country seriously underestimated the environmental and health costs of coal generated in the consumer link, which created the illusion of coal "low price" to a certain extent.

  8. 2014-11-07

    Development and Reform Commission within 21 days reply 16 railway 5 airports trying to steady growth In October 16th to November 5th this 21 days, the national development and Reform Commission has approved 16 railways and 5 airport a total of 21 projects, these projects with a total investment of 693374000000 yuan. Experts said, the current China downtown pressure on the economy is large, the national development and Reform Commission intensive approved infrastructure projects, release the obvious intention of steady growth.
