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Seize the historical opportunity to promote the integration of the two China manufacturing

Vice Minister of industry and information Yang Xueshan expresses 14 days, China manufacturing industry is facing in the new technology system to promote the new development opportunity, the Internet, informatization, digital environment, Chinese manufacturing enterprises should use the fusion of thinking development Chinese manufacturing industry.
Yang Xueshan in Tianjin held the Eleventh China Manufacturing Management International Forum said, direction of the development of China manufacturing industry is very clear, that is, from a big manufacturing country to a powerful manufacturing country, to build internationally competitive modern industrial system. In order to realize this goal, we must make full use of comparative advantage, advantage of system Chinese, take a new road of industrialization development in line with the China conditions.
Yang Xueshan said, at present Chinese manufacturing industry faces severe challenges of rising labor costs and resource environment of rigid constraints, while developing Chinese manufacturing industry is also facing a in the new technology system to promote the new development stage of development, comparable to such a stage can and then steam engine, electric motor as the representative of the industrial revolution the process of the development of manufacturing industry, is also a full of opportunities, full of vitality in the new stage of development.
Yang Xueshan pointed out that the development of information technology, and technology integration, promote the information of physical space in such a new platform derived a new mode of the manufacturing industry. To the enterprise, must see far, see quasi. The company provides products, products to increase intelligence elements, increase the added value, is the need to focus on improving market competitiveness.
