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American Saint-Gobain ceramsite project work is progressing smoothly

According to the live coverage of the site from Sichuan Mine Arkansas Bright 17: U.S. Saint-Gobain the ceramsite project host contract by the Sichuan Mining Group Company equipment on-site installation and construction is progressing smoothly, the total investment of the project is $ 120 million.Sichuan Mine Group company aid sent engineering and technical personnel line to enter the construction site on September 11, 2012, the smooth progress of the overall project, the engineering and technical personnel of the company aid sent its good professional quality, positive work attitude and cooperationspirit to overcome difficulties such as climate and environment, to ensure the progress of the project, has been recognized by the Owner, expressed satisfaction with the quality of the construction progress for the country, won the honor for the enterprise.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2012, and formally put into production in March next year ...
