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The development trend of sand industry meet the building with sand mechanism sand rigid demand

Sand and stone is mainly used for infrastructure construction, engineering foundation concrete, mortar and other products. Sand and stone is a vital component in concrete raw materials, now people dont find other materials to replace its position in the construction, building materials industry.
In engineering construction, the most widely used most a large amount of material is concrete, compared with other structure for building materials, concrete is the lowest energy consumption of materials, energy consumption of ordinary concrete is about steel 1/25 to 1/40, and sand, stone is the most important raw materials and the amount of component materials of concrete in concrete quality, accounting for 6/7 the left and right, is concrete, mortar, stone and sand skeleton, so called "aggregate".
With the development of modern concrete and high-speed railway and other key projects of the gravel technical requirements more and more high, can meet the requirements of the increasing number of small natural sand gravel. In order to supplement the market rigid demand gravel, sand sand mechanism has become the preferred construction. The mechanism not only adds to the natural sand gravel lack problem, but also is the important raw materials of high quality base construction project. The development mechanism of sand is to build the market development.
Use sand mechanism for ecological environment protection is very important. According to the China Association of sand and gravel from information shows that in recent years our country shashiye overall maintained a momentum of steady development, exploitation and use of natural sand under control, mechanism of sand and gradually enter the market. The expanding mechanism of sand application market also shows that in improving our shashiye overall level.
