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Investment of 250000000000 non assault project railway to throw 5 hundred billion

"The national development and Reform Commission approved nearly 250000000000 yuan project is not assault project, this is a pre planned infrastructure projects, continuous approved infrastructure projects is more embodied in a stable market confidence on the role." Renmin University of China School of economics vice president Liu Yuanchun pointed out that.
Recently, the national development and Reform Commission formally issued a document approved to eight major infrastructure projects, a total investment of 150000000000 yuan. According to the national development and Reform Commission issued the news, approved by the three railway to Qianjiang to Zhangjiajie to Changde, Shangqiu to Hefei to Hangzhou, Zhengzhou to Wanzhou and other projects, the total investment amount of 144516000000 yuan. At the same time, the feasibility study report of Jilin Province approved the new Songyuan civil airport, Qinghai, Guoluo, Inner Mongolia civil airport, Zhalantun airport in Yunnan Province, Guizhou province Lancang civil airport, Renhuai civil airport and other five airports, a total investment of 5490000000 yuan.
Before a week, the national development and Reform Commission has just approved about 90000000000 yuan three railway projects, three railway approval of new or expansion projects in Liaoning, Jinzhou port to Inner Mongolia Baiyinhua railway expansion project estimated investment amounted to 25638000000 yuan; Yuxi to Mohan railway project investment amounted to 44510000000 yuan; Dali Ruili railway projects with a total investment of 25730000000 yuan. The estimated total investment of 95878000000 yuan. A total investment of two weeks before and after the new approved project is close to 250000000000 yuan.
"In fact, the actual effect of infrastructure investment to boost the economy needs a certain period will be reflected, the general cycle for three or four months." Liu Yuanchun said, the fourth quarter of this year, fiscal policy and monetary policy, especially the main means of QE is still steady growth. In addition, the long run, promote consumption policy to spur economic growth effect will also be reflected slowly.
The National Bureau of Statistics recently released the third quarter GDP growth slowed down further to five year low, up to 7.3%, as a spur economic growth important engine, fixed asset investment declined substantially, the statistics show, this year 1-9 month, the national fixed asset investment year-on-year nominal growth of only 16.1%, growth over the previous 8 months dropped 0.4 percentage points, the lowest level in nearly 13 years of record.
At the end of 9 this year, the Chinese railway company released data show, this year 1-8 month, railway fixed assets investment was 313290000000 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.4%, an increase of 0.6 percentage points lower than the 1-7 month. Among them, the railway infrastructure construction investment 277590000000 yuan, an increase of 21.9%.
In accordance with the deployment of the State Council on further speeding up the railway construction requirements, there are three major goals of the 2014 national railway construction, namely the national railway fixed assets investment 800000000000 yuan, the new line put into production in 7000 kilometers, 64 new projects. Industry insiders said, according to the calculated, in addition to 313290000000 yuan has been completed railway investment in fixed assets this year 1-8 month, is expected to be completed investment in fixed assets of nearly 500000000000 Yuan railway in the last 4 months of this year.
The State Council Development Research Center of economic research department researcher Zhang Liqun said that investment in infrastructure, the fourth quarter will be reflected. Housing policy, including the purchase of the policy adjustment, the effect will be clearly demonstrated in the fourth quarter.
"Fiscal policy, but to really do play a role in directional support, including in the financial loans, guarantees, tax support etc.." Zhang Liqun said.
Generally expected mechanism, the government still has eased monetary policy response to the slowdown problem, including reducing the interbank market rate, for the market to inject more liquidity.
